Six black-and-white MRI images of a brain at different cross-sections.
Is DIANA fMRI Data Real?
New preprints failed to reproduce the buzzy new neuroimaging technique DIANA fMRI, but its inventor remains steadfast.
Is DIANA fMRI Data Real?
Is DIANA fMRI Data Real?

New preprints failed to reproduce the buzzy new neuroimaging technique DIANA fMRI, but its inventor remains steadfast.

New preprints failed to reproduce the buzzy new neuroimaging technique DIANA fMRI, but its inventor remains steadfast.


Infant hands holding bottle of milk on light blue floor background.
Myo-inositol in Human Breast Milk Improves Brain Connectivity
Charlene Lancaster, PhD | Oct 16, 2023 | 4 min read
Researchers find that the sugar myo-inositol is abundant early in lactation and increases synapse size and abundance in the developing brain.
Fluorescently labeled neuron cell bodies in blue in the center compartment of a three-compartment microfluidic chamber grow through tiny grooves to enter the left and the right chambers, where they extend axons fibers, also shown in blue.
Visualizing Axon Pruning
Tiffany Garbutt, PhD | Oct 2, 2023 | 2 min read
During development, neurons trim hundreds of excess axons in an intricately coordinated destructive process.
<em >The Scientist</em>&rsquo;s Journal Club: Neuroscience
The Scientist’s Journal Club: Neuroscience 
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Scientists present the latest research on cortical neuronal networks, neuronal signaling, and amyloid-forming proteins. 
MRI images of brains from patients with epilepsy
Defending against Dravet
Aparna Nathan, PhD | Aug 21, 2023 | 3 min read
Gene therapy may be the first step toward curing a rare genetic epilepsy.
The image shows a brain section of the mouse amygdala. Using fluorescent markers, the expression of synapses is shown in purple, while neurons are shown as red dots and the microRNA miR-483-5p is shown as green dots.
A Brain MicroRNA Curbs Anxiety
Mariella Bodemeier Loayza Careaga, PhD | Aug 1, 2023 | 2 min read
Upregulation of a specific microRNA in the brain lessened anxiety and reduced the expression of stress-related genes in mice. 
Neurons traversing the brain with an area of red neurodegeneration
LabTalk Podcast - The New Era of Neurodegeneration Research
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Erdem Gültekin Tamgüney discusses the future of neurodegeneration research and his work exploring the link between stroke and Parkinson’s disease.
In this transgenic ant pupa surrounded by wild type pupae, green fluorescence on top reveals olfactory sensory neurons. On the bottom, the expression of red fluorescent protein shows throughout the ant pupa body.
Spying on Transgenic Ants Reveals How Their Brains Respond to Alarm Odors
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Jul 7, 2023 | 2 min read
By successfully creating transgenic ants for the first time, researchers discovered that danger-signaling pheromones activate a sensory hub in the ants’ brains.
Brain cell in purple on a black background. Arc mRNAs are labeled green and are mainly localized in the cell nucleus and in the dendrites.
Short-lived Molecules Support Long-term Memory 
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Jun 6, 2023 | 3 min read
A gene essential for information storage in the brain engages an autoregulatory feedback loop to consolidate memory.
The Brain Inside Out: Mapping the Nervous System Wiring
The Brain Inside Out: Mapping the Nervous System's Wiring
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
An expert panel will describe their efforts to chart billions of neuronal connections and discuss how this data provides unparalleled insight into neuronal cell biology, signal processing, and behavior.
Neurons (green) fire differently depending on whether the astrocytes (red) they are grown with are cultivated from people with or without fragile X.
Astrocytes Fuel Erratic Firing in Fragile X Neurons
Lauren Schenkman, Spectrum | May 30, 2023 | 4 min read
This new understanding could one day lead to targeted treatments. 
Histology of brain
Rare Autism-Linked Mutation Starves Growing Neurons of Essential Nutrients
Lauren Schenkman, Spectrum | Apr 18, 2023 | 4 min read
The mutation prevents certain amino acids from entering neurons, causing the cells to die early in development.
800x560 thumbnail image
Using Digital Spatial Profiling for Transcriptomic Analysis of Neuronal Subpopulations
The Scientist Creative Services Team in collaboration with Advanced Cell Diagnostics | 1 min read
Kit Fuhrman and Anushka Dikshit present how to obtain whole transcriptome data from spatially mapped neuron populations.
Surface rendering of microscopy image showing two dendritic cells (green) communicating with a nociceptor neuron (violet).
How Cells in the Skin Team Up To Fight Pathogens
Rachael Moeller Gorman | Apr 12, 2023 | 4 min read
Immune cells and pain neurons form complex partnerships to protect our bodies from pathogens, new research reveals.
Image of the fly brain (grey) highlighting the population of neurons (pink) to which the gut-secreted peptide CCHa1 signals
A Protein-Rich Diet Helps Mice and Flies Sleep More Soundly: Study
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Mar 24, 2023 | 3 min read
The effect appears to be mediated by a gut-secreted peptide that signals to neurons in the brain that modulate the response to mechanical vibrations.
Mapping Neuronal Gene Expression to Understand Pain
The Scientist Creative Services Team in collaboration with Advanced Cell Diagnostics | 1 min read
Ted Price, Diana Tavares-Ferreira, and Stephanie Shiers discuss how mapping gene expression at the neuronal level provides insight into pain mechanisms and anti-pain drug development.
Complete model of fly brain neuron connections
How Larval Fruit Fly Brains Convert Sensory Signals to Movement
Laura Dattaro, Spectrum | Mar 10, 2023 | 4 min read
A wiring map diagrams more than half a million neuronal connections in the first complete connectome of Drosophila and holds clues about which brain architectures best support learning.
A cross-section of mouse brain showing the locus coeruleus in fluorescent green
Hormone Sobers Up Drunken Mice: Study
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Mar 8, 2023 | 3 min read
A hormone naturally induced by alcohol consumption accelerates the recovery of mice after binge drinking by activating neurons involved in arousal and alertness.
Central Nervous System Modeling with iPSC-Derived Cells
The Creative Services Team in collaboration with BrainXell | 1 min read
Bryan Black and Lucas Thal will discuss their experiences screening hiPSC-derived neural cells to understand chronic pain and neuroinflammation.
Nerve cell labelled with different colours
Psychedelics Slip Past Cell Membranes When Treating Depression
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Feb 24, 2023 | 4 min read
The antidepressant properties of hallucinogenic drugs may stem from their ability to bind to intracellular serotonin receptors, a study suggests.