: Aerial view of a scattered pile of audio cassette tapes.
Regulating Insulin With Queen’s Greatest Hits 
Kamal Nahas, PhD | Oct 2, 2023 | 4 min read
Pop music balanced blood sugar levels in mice, thanks to implanted human cells rigged to release insulin using a sound-sensitive bacterial protein.
a medusa-like jellyfish is shown in front of a black background.
The Origins of Hunger Regulation
Mariella Bodemeier Loayza Careaga, PhD | Oct 2, 2023 | 2 min read
A neuropeptide suppressed feeding in two evolutionarily distant species, suggesting that hunger regulation may go back to the roots of the tree of life.
PCR tubes placed into the 96-well loading chamber of a PCR thermocycler instrument.
Directing Superior Reagents for Better PCR Results
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team and MilliporeSigma | 3 min read
Directed evolution approaches are creating new reagents to help a tried-and-true technique reach new heights.
A doctor reaches out to touch a lung tumor, highlighted in red.
Silencing Epigenetic Complexes Re-sensitizes Drug-Resistant Cancer Cells
Rachael Moeller Gorman | Sep 25, 2023 | 4 min read
Researchers studying lung cancer cell lines found that chromatin remodeling underlies one type of osimertinib resistance.
Woman massaging pain in her left wrist.
The Extra X: How the Sex Chromosome Affects Autoimmunity Risk
Kamal Nahas, PhD | Sep 19, 2023 | 4 min read
What underlies the uneven burden of autoimmunity between the sexes has remained a mystery. Now, scientists found clues by turning to a key player on the X chromosome.
Unlocking the Secrets within Cells Using Next Generation Sequencing
Unlocking the Secrets within Cells Using Next Generation Sequencing 
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Next generation sequencing (NGS) core facility scientists and researchers discuss their latest work exploring novel cancer models and stem cells in space.
Close up on eyes of mother and daughter faces next to one another
A Long and Unhealthy Life?
Aparna Nathan, PhD | Sep 13, 2023 | 3 min read
A new mouse model shows that the Myc protein has complex effects on aging and cancer.
Professor Sir Ian Wilmut with Dolly the sheep
Ian Wilmut, Famed Scientist Who Led the Creation of Dolly the Sheep, Died at 79
Shelby Bradford, PhD | Sep 12, 2023 | 3 min read
Knighted in 2008, Sir Ian Wilmut revolutionized the field of cloning, stem cell research, and regenerative medicine.
Smart Gateways into the Lab of the Future
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 2 min read
Neurobiologists, computer scientists, and engineers join forces to grow mini brains using automation and make their technologies smarter with artificial intelligence.
Image of spatial transcriptomic spots superimposed onto a stained tissue section.
Poor Cancer Prognosis Associated with a Transcriptional Signature
Charlene Lancaster, PhD | Sep 11, 2023 | 4 min read
Researchers connect a tumor’s leading edge transcriptional profile to poor survival outcomes across cancer types. 
An elderly person in beige shirt and a knitted, cream-colored vest holds a wooden walking stick.
New Epigenetic Clocks May Confirm Extreme Age
Ida Emilie Steinmark, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 4 min read
How will a new version of epigenetic clocks aimed at validating the age of people older than 100 years of age balance accuracy and anonymity?
Journal club logo on purple background
The Scientist's Journal Club: Transcriptomics
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 2 min read
Scientists discuss their latest findings on immune cell dynamics, neurodegenerative disease risk factors, and rare cell types obtained from bulk and single cell RNA sequencing experiments.
A computer-generated image of chromosomes on a black background. One chromosome has a ring of bright orange to indicate a mutation.
Prime Editing Comes of Age
Ida Emilie Steinmark, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 9 min read
Since the technique was first published in 2019, prime editing has grown with lightning speed, alongside hopes for what it can achieve.
A man sitting at a desk in a white lab coat holds up a large model of a <em >Drosophila</em> fly. In the background is a window and a bookcase.
The Origins and Recent Promise of Nonsense Suppressor tRNAs
Ida Emilie Steinmark, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 4 min read
A discovery that goes back to the first studies of translation has become the topic of biotech buzz.
Team of Medical Research Scientists Collectively Working on a New Generation Experimental Drug Treatment. Laboratory Looks Busy, Bright and Modern.
Next-Generation Sequencing: A World without Limits
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team and Illumina | 5 min read
Centralized core facilities and commercial service providers specializing in NGS provide expertise and training for researchers new to the method.
The prime editing machinery comprises a prime editing guide RNA (pegRNA) and a Cas9 nickase enzyme fused to a reverse transcriptase.
Infographic: How Prime Editing Works
Ida Emilie Steinmark, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 4 min read
Prime editing is one of the most promising forms of genome editing because it uses only single-stranded DNA breaks.
This shows a cryo-EM map of a Fanzor protein in complex with its guiding RNA (in purple) and DNA (target strand in red, complementary strand in blue).
CRISPR-like Abilities in Eukaryotic Proteins
Ida Emilie Steinmark, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 4 min read
Two groups independently discovered that Fanzor proteins in eukaryotic organisms are CRISPR’s genome-editing cousins.
Discover how a cellphone-driven UV gel documentation system accelerates accessible imaging.
Accessible Gel Imaging with a Cellphone
Analytik Jena | 1 min read
In the classroom or the laboratory, a new gel documentation system enables scientists to capture snapshots of their samples in real time.
A photo of the PlatinumTM Next-Generation Protein Sequencer, a small roughly cube-shaped blue-black-silver instrument.
Breaking Down Barriers to Protein Sequencing
The Scientist Staff | Sep 1, 2023 | 2 min read
Next-generation protein sequencing is becoming more powerful, streamlined, and accessible. 
Oops, speech bubble.
The Oligo Was a No Go
Danielle Gerhard, PhD | Sep 1, 2023 | 2 min read
As soon as Melanie McConnell added the wash buffer to her sample, she knew she had made a mistake.