LIVE Symposium

Friday, February 25, 2022
1:00 - 4:00 PM Eastern Time

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The relationship between anatomy and function has inspired scientists to tediously map individual neuronal connections in the brain. Combining powerful computational algorithms with advanced serial electron microscopy, researchers have embarked on a herculean task to map every single connection in different animal brains.

In this virtual symposium brought to you by The Scientist, an expert panel will discuss their efforts to chart billions of neuronal connections, which provides unparalleled insights into neuronal cell biology, signal processing, and behavior.

Symposium program

1:10 PM – Petascale Connectomics and Beyond: Opportunities and Challenges

Jeff Lichtman, MD, PhD

1:35 PM – A Primate Connectome Towards Understanding Cognition

Rui Xu, PhD

2:00 PM – Neural Circuit Motifs for Vector Navigation and Goal-Directed Action Selection: Connectomic Insights From Drosophila

Brad Hulse, PhD

2:25 PM – Drug Discovery for Neurodegenerative Diseases Based on Insights From Anatomy & Connectivity 

Julie Harris, PhD

2:50 PM – Dive Into the Connectome of the Octopus Learning and Memory System

Flavie Bidel, PhD

3:15 - 4:00 PM - Open panel Q&A session

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Meet the speakers

Jeff Lichtman, MD, PhD
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Center for Brain Science
Harvard University

Rui Xu, PhD
Research Scientist
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
McGovern Institute for Brain Research
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Brad Hulse, PhD
Research Scientist
Janelia Research Campus

Julie Harris, PhD
Vice President
Preclinical Biology
Cajal Neuroscience

Flavie Bidel, PhD
Research Associate
Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
University of Minnesota

  Symposium Sponsor