Niki Spahich headshot

Niki Spahich, PhD

Niki Spahich earned her PhD in genetics and genomics from Duke University, where she studied Haemophilus influenzae membrane proteins that contribute to respiratory infections. She later explored Staphylococcus aureus metabolism during her postdoctoral fellowship at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. After various teaching and science communication experiences, Niki joined The Scientist's Creative Services Team in June 2019 and is currently an associate science editor.

Articles by Niki Spahich, PhD
Mega Multiplexing for Exploring Diseased Tissues
Niki Spahich, PhD | Oct 16, 2023 | 4 min read
Researchers at KU Leuven specialize in performing a multiplex immunohistochemistry method that uses conventional antibodies and pathologist-driven data analysis.
A light gray mouse against an orange background listens to tiny headphones
Journey to the Center of the Ear
Niki Spahich, PhD | Aug 28, 2023 | 5 min read
An aqueduct connecting the brain to the ear may make gene therapy for hearing loss less invasive.
Photo of Rosa Bacchetta, associate professor of pediatrics at Stanford University
The Future of Gene Therapy for a Rare Pediatric Autoimmune Disease
Niki Spahich, PhD | Jul 10, 2023 | 3 min read
By editing a mutated immune regulatory gene in patient cells, Rosa Bacchetta brings hope to those suffering from IPEX syndrome.
Illustration of gut microbes
Microbial Menace in Cancer Patients
Niki Spahich, PhD | Jul 5, 2023 | 2 min read
Fyza Shaikh investigates how microbes shape cancer patients’ health and recovery.
Henry Erlich 
A Not-So-Simple Idea
Niki Spahich, PhD | Jun 1, 2023 | 5 min read
A moonlit drive inspired the theory behind PCR. What did it take to make that wild idea reality?
Illustration of a virus
Vaccines: Sex Matters
Niki Spahich, PhD | Jun 1, 2023 | 3 min read
Male patients who recover from mild COVID-19 have baseline immune states primed to mount stronger responses to future challenges than female patients.
mosquito on leaf
Combating Mosquito-Borne Diseases with CRISPR
Niki Spahich, PhD | Jun 1, 2023 | 4 min read
As alternatives to insecticides, Omar Akbari uses sophisticated genetic engineering methods to solve the world’s mosquito problems.
Editing genome stock photo
Resolving Discrepancies in Mouse and Human Autoimmunity Studies
Niki Spahich, PhD | May 15, 2023 | 4 min read
By editing primary T cells with CRISPR, researchers begin to settle a long-standing debate about a common autoimmunity risk variant.
Single Cell Sequencing in a Nutshell
Single Cell Sequencing in a Nutshell
Niki Spahich, PhD | Mar 31, 2023 | 4 min read
By exploring the inner workings of individual cells, rather than averaging bulk populations, researchers identify rare and important cell subtypes.
A normal human liver organoid (left) stained with blue and red next to a fatty liver organoid (right) with lipid droplets stained yellow.
Working Together to Battle Fatty Liver Disorders
Niki Spahich, PhD | Mar 24, 2023 | 6 min read
Benedetta Artegiani and Delilah Hendriks formed a joint laboratory group to understand disease mechanisms and treatments through organoid models.