Woman massaging pain in her left wrist.
The Extra X: How the Sex Chromosome Affects Autoimmunity Risk
What underlies the uneven burden of autoimmunity between the sexes has remained a mystery. Now, scientists found clues by turning to a key player on the X chromosome.
The Extra X: How the Sex Chromosome Affects Autoimmunity Risk
The Extra X: How the Sex Chromosome Affects Autoimmunity Risk

What underlies the uneven burden of autoimmunity between the sexes has remained a mystery. Now, scientists found clues by turning to a key player on the X chromosome.

What underlies the uneven burden of autoimmunity between the sexes has remained a mystery. Now, scientists found clues by turning to a key player on the X chromosome.

News & Opinion

Epigenetic Marks May Cause Brain Tumor Formation
Jennifer Zieba, PhD | Sep 19, 2023 | 3 min read
Scientists established an epigenetic mouse model for glioma, providing insight into how epigenetics can initiate cancer.
Cropped view of senior man playing with puzzles
A Rare Genetic Mutation Protects Against Alzheimer's Disease
Hannah Thomasy, PhD, Drug Discovery News | Sep 17, 2023 | 4 min read
Data from a highly resilient individual guided researchers to new potential therapeutic targets.
2023 Ig Nobel Prize for Gripping Work on Dead Spiders
Meenakshi Prabhune, PhD | Sep 15, 2023 | 3 min read
Rice University researchers claimed the Ig Nobel Prize for upleveling biorobotics by transforming deceased spiders into robotic grippers.
Image of <em >Candida albicans</em> fungus.
A Fungus Plays Tug-of-war for Metal Ions
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In the fight between hosts and fungal pathogens, scientists discovered how withholding manganese can cripple Candida albicans.
The Breakthrough Prize ?Trophy
2024 Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences
Danielle Gerhard, PhD | Sep 14, 2023 | 10 min read
This year’s Breakthrough Prizes honor advances in CAR T cancer therapies, cystic fibrosis, and Parkinson’s disease.
Professor Sir Ian Wilmut with Dolly the sheep
Ian Wilmut, Famed Scientist Who Led the Creation of Dolly the Sheep, Died at 79
Shelby Bradford, PhD | Sep 12, 2023 | 3 min read
Knighted in 2008, Sir Ian Wilmut revolutionized the field of cloning, stem cell research, and regenerative medicine.
An image of lung tissue acquired using a MALDI imaging mass spectrometer.
Glycogen Metabolism May Play a Key Role in Pulmonary Fibrosis
Charlene Lancaster, PhD | Sep 11, 2023 | 4 min read
Researchers discover that glycogen and N-linked glycans accumulate in fibrotic regions of the lung and may be important for therapy development.
Carolyn Bertozzi working in the laboratory with postdoctoral scholar Ula Gerling-Driessen
Trimming Undruggable Cancer Targets
Deanna MacNeil, PhD | Sep 13, 2023 | 4 min read
Researchers took aim at mucins, glycoproteins that protect cancer cells from drugs and the immune response, and engineered a revolutionary targeted tool for oncology and beyond.
Close up on eyes of mother and daughter faces next to one another
A Long and Unhealthy Life?
Aparna Nathan, PhD | Sep 13, 2023 | 3 min read
A new mouse model shows that the Myc protein has complex effects on aging and cancer.
Image of spatial transcriptomic spots superimposed onto a stained tissue section.
Poor Cancer Prognosis Associated with a Transcriptional Signature
Charlene Lancaster, PhD | Sep 11, 2023 | 4 min read
Researchers connect a tumor’s leading edge transcriptional profile to poor survival outcomes across cancer types. 
Woman smiling at the camera working out on a blue yoga mat.
Keeping Older Muscles Strong
Hannah Thomasy, PhD, Drug Discovery News | Sep 5, 2023 | 5 min read
From stem cell-recruiting gels to hormone cycle restoration, Tracy Criswell has big ideas about how to combat age-related decline in muscle regeneration.
Colorful blue and pink low poly side view human brain illustration with connection dots isolated on bright blue background
Cancer Cells Need Fatty Acids to Survive in the Brain
Danielle Gerhard, PhD, Drug Discovery News | Aug 30, 2023 | 3 min read
Using a mouse model of breast cancer brain metastasis, researchers showed that tumor cells require fatty acid synthesis to grow, which offers a potential therapeutic target.
The illustration shows floating chromosomes with a Y-shaped chromosome in the foreground.
Closing the Gaps in the Human Genome: Why Y Was the Final Hurdle
Kamal Nahas, PhD | Aug 28, 2023 | 4 min read
For two decades, scientists struggled to fully sequence the Y chromosome. Finally, researchers have mapped its full length thanks to recent advances in sequencing technology.
The image illustrates the relationship between the brain and gut in humans.
A Novel Tool to Explore the Gut-brain Connection
Anna Napolitano, PhD | Aug 28, 2023 | 3 min read
Scientists used a vibrating capsule to assess people’s gut sensitivities and understand how the brain interprets these signals.  
A light gray mouse against an orange background listens to tiny headphones
Journey to the Center of the Ear
Niki Spahich, PhD | Aug 28, 2023 | 5 min read
An aqueduct connecting the brain to the ear may make gene therapy for hearing loss less invasive.
A dart board with on dart on the bullseye and several scattered darts that missed the target
Predicting the Next Level of CRISPR Control
Deanna MacNeil, PhD | Aug 28, 2023 | 3 min read
Scientists combine the power of genome-wide screens and machine learning to unlock the secrets of transcriptome engineering with Cas13.
landscape of frozen river
Worms Frozen for 46,000 Years are the Oldest Known Living Animals
Natalia Mesa, PhD | Aug 15, 2023 | 5 min read
Nematodes buried in Siberian permafrost may be able to stay in a state of suspended animation indefinitely, according to recent findings.
A close-up of the human eye, showing a colorful iris, black pupil, and transparent cornea.
Specialized T Cells Patrol Human Cornea
Rebecca Roberts, PhD | Aug 22, 2023 | 4 min read
A new imaging technique puts the immune system of the eye in perspective, challenging a long-held status quo. 
MRI images of brains from patients with epilepsy
Defending against Dravet
Aparna Nathan, PhD | Aug 21, 2023 | 3 min read
Gene therapy may be the first step toward curing a rare genetic epilepsy.