drug development

Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm
Double Agents: Engineered Bacteria Tackle Pathogenic Biofilms in Mice
Katherine Irving | Jan 26, 2023 | 3 min read
Mycoplasma pneumoniae with pathogenic genes replaced by biofilm-degrading ones enhance survival in a mouse model of ventilator-associated pneumonia.
2022 Top 10 Innovations 
2022 Top 10 Innovations
The Scientist Staff | Dec 12, 2022 | 10+ min read
This year’s crop of winning products features many with a clinical focus and others that represent significant advances in sequencing, single-cell analysis, and more.
?Sci Philo
Starting with Human Cell Systems 
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Xitiz Chamling shares how advances in human stem cell and gene editing technologies fuel his drive for better multiple sclerosis drug screening platforms.
Artist’s rendition of neural connections, with inactive neurons in the background
Ketamine Flips a “Switch” in Mice’s Brain Circuitry: Study
Andy Carstens | Dec 9, 2022 | 6 min read
After injecting moderate doses of the dissociative anesthetic into the animals, previously “awake” brain cells go dark, and those that had been dormant suddenly light up.
An excited-looking toddler crawls towards toys while her mother watches on.
Doctors Treat a Rare Genetic Condition Before Patient Is Born
Dan Robitzski | Nov 10, 2022 | 2 min read
Thanks to continued weekly medications, a 16-month-old girl shows no symptoms of a severe genetic disease that typically kills children before they turn two.
Best Practices for Organoid Technologies
Best Practices for Organoid Technologies 
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Dosh Whye will discuss best practices for organoid modeling and how researchers leverage the latest technologies to achieve their goals.
magic mushrooms on a while background
Psilocybin Relieves Some Treatment-Resistant Depression Cases: Trial
Shawna Williams | Nov 3, 2022 | 2 min read
The research has caveats, including side effects and a lack of durability in the benefits of a single dose.
Circular clusters of <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> drift on a blue background.
Retching Mice Reveal the Brain Circuit Behind Vomiting
Katherine Irving | Nov 2, 2022 | 2 min read
The discovery could one day lead to the development of better antinausea medications.
Discover the Advantages to Using Label-Free Techniques for Biologics Assessment
Using Label-Free Techniques for Biologics Assessment 
Sartorius | 1 min read
Label-free techniques for analyzing biomolecular interactions offer numerous advantages for studying biological mechanisms and developing new therapeutics.
A vial labeled &ldquo;RSV vaccine&rdquo; on a reflective surface next to a syringe.
After Decades of Delays, RSV Vaccines Show Promise in Early Data 
Dan Robitzski | Nov 1, 2022 | 3 min read
Both Pfizer and GSK have shared preliminary data suggesting that their experimental vaccines can protect older adults and newborn infants from the virus.
A vet and technician take a sample from a dog for use in PetDx&rsquo;s OncoK9 test, which screens cell-free DNA for genomic alterations associated with cancer.
The Pet Health Industry Takes on Canine Cancer
Diana Kwon | Oct 17, 2022 | 9 min read
Advanced genomic tools have provided biotech companies new approaches to help our furry friends—but experts say several limitations remain.
Leveraging Stem Cells to Create Better Disease Models
Leveraging Stem Cells to Create Better Disease Models
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 2 min read
Clive Svendsen, Meritxell Huch, Ameen Salahudeen, and Maksim Plikus will discuss the latest advances in using patient-derived stem cells to create more accurate disease models.
a person fumigates a red brick pathway to control mosquitoes in the fight against Dengue virus.
European Medicines Agency Recommends Approving Takeda’s Dengue Vaccine
Katherine Irving | Oct 14, 2022 | 2 min read
In clinical trials, the new inoculation demonstrated greater protection for children and people older than 45 than the existing dengue vaccine.
Man with blue shirt and tie smiling at camera.
Pharmacologist and Olympian David Bailey Dies at 77
Lisa Winter | Oct 7, 2022 | 3 min read
He was best known for his discovery that grapefruit juice makes some medications less effective or potentially dangerous.
Sino Biological&nbsp;
CAR Technology in Cancer Therapy: From CAR-T to CAR-NK
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team and Sino Biological | 4 min read
From early target discovery to preclinical development stages, researchers explore novel strategies for effective cell therapies in cancer treatment.
A black and white photo of a woman in a plumed hat in a laboratory classroom with several men
Birth of The Pill, 1956–1960
Andy Carstens | Oct 3, 2022 | 2 min read
Researchers overseeing the clinical trial for the first FDA-approved oral contraceptive claimed the drug gave the Puerto Rican participants power over their family planning. Critics claimed the women were exploited.
Illustration of light blue neurons with white amyloid plaques accumulating on their axons.
New Alzheimer’s Drug Slows Cognitive Decline in Clinical Trial
Dan Robitzski | Sep 28, 2022 | 2 min read
The Biogen-developed treatment, called lecanemab, appears to have a more clear-cut effect on slowing the disease than the company’s previous Alzheimer’s drug, Aduhelm.
Targeting the Undruggable
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Through a combination of basic science research and clinical trials, researchers uncover innovative approaches for targeted cancer treatment. 
A germinal center inside a lymph node
Slow Vaccine Delivery May Maximize Immune Response
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Sep 23, 2022 | 5 min read
A vaccine strategy involving formulation changes, an initial escalating dose, and a longer wait for booster immunization results in more-effective antibody production against HIV in rhesus monkeys, a study finds.
Histology of mouse lungs using purple and green staining on a white background. Left: a healthy lung. Right: a fibrotic lung.<br><br>
Immunotherapy Treats Fibrosis in Mice
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Sep 15, 2022 | 4 min read
Researchers report that vaccination against proteins found on profibrotic cells reduced liver and lung fibrosis in laboratory rodents.