cell biology

Infographic showing the selective strengthening of synapses that received stimulation.
Infographic: Synaptic Plasticity in the Sea Slug
Danielle Gerhard, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 1 min read
The sea slug has helped scientists in their quest to understand how neurons encode memories.
The image shows six different panels containing cells. On each panel, the cells are labelled using a different fluorescent dye that highlights features of a specific organelle within the cells.
Cell Painting: Exploring the Richness of Biological Images
Mariella Bodemeier Loayza Careaga, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 4 min read
By coloring different organelles simultaneously, cell painting allows scientists to pick up subtle changes in cell function in response to drugs and other perturbations.
A microscopy image of an apical-out colon organoid that was produced using MilliporeSigma’s protocol.
Turning Organoids Inside Out 
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team, MilliporeSigma, and Hub Organoids | 4 min read
Discover how a new procedure reverses the polarity of typical basolateral-out organoids to form versatile apical-out organoids.
Infographic: Beyond the Nucleus: mRNA Localization in Neurons
Danielle Gerhard, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 1 min read
To support thousands of incoming connections, neurons use sophisticated transportation networks for delivering mRNA to faraway regions.
Infographic detailing two volume electron microscopy modalities.
Infographic: Drivers of the Expansion of Volume Electron Microscopy
Danielle Gerhard, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 2 min read
Technological advancements over the last two decades transformed volume electron microscopy, improving usability, resolution, and throughput.
A 3D rendering of an albumin’s protein structure.
Providing Stability In Vivo, In Vitro, and In Culture
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team and MilliporeSigma | 3 min read
Albumins enable researchers to bind, sequester, and stabilize important molecules across research applications.
This image depicts the fruit fly nerve cord connectome. It highlights 930 neurons, a subset of the full set of reconstructed neurons.
The Expansion of Volume Electron Microscopy
Danielle Gerhard, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 6 min read
A series of technological advancements for automation and parallel imaging made volume electron microscopy more user friendly while increasing throughput.
A rendering of a human brain in blue on a dark background with blue and white lines surrounding the brain to represent the construction of new connections in the brain.
Defying Dogma: Decentralized Translation in Neurons
Danielle Gerhard, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 10+ min read
To understand how memories are formed and maintained, neuroscientists travel far beyond the cell body in search of answers.
A 96-well plate with wells spelling out “ANIMAL COMPONENT FREE”.  
Animal Component-Free Reagents Unleash Cell Culture’s True Potential 
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team and MilliporeSigma | 3 min read
The latest synthetic and chemical reagents offer researchers more flexibility, stability, and consistency when working with their cells.
A fluorescence microscopy image of a common mouse ear with a black background, an embedded bead visible as a white circle, and regenerating tissue around it shown in green.
Mice Heal Themselves in Response to a Common Signaling Molecule
Ida Emilie Steinmark, PhD | Sep 8, 2023 | 4 min read
A newly discovered way to induce scarless healing in mice depends on a highly conserved signaling pathway that is also present in humans.
Woman smiling at the camera working out on a blue yoga mat.
Keeping Older Muscles Strong
Hannah Thomasy, PhD, Drug Discovery News | Sep 5, 2023 | 5 min read
From stem cell-recruiting gels to hormone cycle restoration, Tracy Criswell has big ideas about how to combat age-related decline in muscle regeneration.
A multicolored illustration of a cell undergoing division.
See Beyond the Scatter Plot with Imaging, Spectral Flow Cytometry
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team and BD Biosciences | 3 min read
A novel instrument combines fluorescence-activated cell sorting, imaging flow cytometry, and spectral flow cytometry to advance cell population examination.
Illustration of a group scientists in medical or chemical laboratory.
From Mentee to Mentor: Teaching Undergraduates in the Lab
Danielle Gerhard, PhD | Sep 1, 2023 | 2 min read
Mark Emerson shares his secret for establishing a fruitful research experience for students and mentors alike.
Infographic showing the difference between the classic MINFLUX and the updated MINFLUX
A New Kind of MINFLUX
Ida Emilie Steinmark, PhD | Sep 1, 2023 | 1 min read
MINFLUX brought record-breaking resolution to fluorescence microscopy in 2016. A new version perfected for protein tracking came out this spring.
A blood sample containing white and red blood cells.
Enhancing Cell Morphology-Based Analysis
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team and Deepcell | 3 min read
Learn how the latest AI-driven technology uses morphology to comprehensively analyze and sort cell populations.
A graph showing how scGPT groups cells, each represented as a dot, into cell types, shown as clusters of dots of the same color.
A New AI Tool Predicts Gene Expression in a Single Cell
Carissa Wong, PhD | Aug 21, 2023 | 4 min read
An artificial intelligence tool, scGPT, can identify cell types, predict the effects of disrupting genes, and pinpoint which genes interact with each other.
Conceptual image of hair loss showing trees in the shape of a human head at various seasonal stages of shedding their leaves.
Islands of Knowledge: Hairy Skin Moles Make Their Mark
Iris Kulbatski, PhD | Aug 7, 2023 | 3 min read
Skin moles that sprout thick, long hairs produce signaling molecules that stimulate hair follicle stem cells to initiate new hair growth. This discovery may make baldness a thing of the past.
A Novel Stem-Cell Derived In Vitro Model of Intestinal Inflammation
A Novel Stem-Cell Derived In Vitro Model of Intestinal Inflammation
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
In this webinar, Bryan McQueen will discuss how a novel in vitro model of inflammatory bowel disease paves the way toward scientific discovery and developing cost-effective therapies.
Human finger touching a conceptual image of a brain, triggering an electrical spark.
Shaping Brain Recovery Using Bioelectricity
Iris Kulbatski, PhD | Aug 4, 2023 | 3 min read
Scientists are decoding how electrically stimulating transplanted stem cells helps heal the injured brain.
Medical illustration of brain cancer with a microscopic magnification of malignant cells dividing in the tumor microenvironment.
Capturing the Brain Tumor Microenvironment with Tissue Engineering
Deanna MacNeil, PhD | Aug 4, 2023 | 3 min read
Researchers built a 3D glioblastoma model to study therapeutic resistance and improve drug screening systems.