A fruit bat in the hands of a researcher
How an Early Warning Radar Could Prevent Future Pandemics
Metagenomic sequencing can help detect unknown pathogens, but its widespread use faces challenges.
How an Early Warning Radar Could Prevent Future Pandemics
How an Early Warning Radar Could Prevent Future Pandemics

Metagenomic sequencing can help detect unknown pathogens, but its widespread use faces challenges.

Metagenomic sequencing can help detect unknown pathogens, but its widespread use faces challenges.


A cluster of spiral-shaped Treponema pallidum bacteria, the causative agent of syphilis.
Science Falls Behind as Syphilis Stages Another Comeback
Bhargavi Duvvuri, Undark | Feb 21, 2023 | 6 min read
Syphilis is among the oldest known sexually-transmitted infections. Scientists still struggle to detect and treat it.
magnifying glass in front of a stack of paper
Opinion: Science Needs Better Fraud Detection—And More Whistleblowers
Aman Majmudar, Undark | Oct 26, 2022 | 5 min read
An influential paper on amyloid protein and Alzheimer’s disease potentially fabricated data. Why did it take 16 years to flag?