Melanocyte stem cells are shown in red and other cell nuclei are shown in blue.
Hair Turns Gray Due to Stuck Stem Cells
Hair-coloring stem cells must swing back and forth between their maturity states to give hair its color.
Hair Turns Gray Due to Stuck Stem Cells
Hair Turns Gray Due to Stuck Stem Cells

Hair-coloring stem cells must swing back and forth between their maturity states to give hair its color.

Hair-coloring stem cells must swing back and forth between their maturity states to give hair its color.

stem cells

This is an image of a bioluminescent from gene expression reporter in stem cells from a rhinoceros.
A Stem Cell Zoo Reveals Surprising Differences in Embryogenesis
Ida Emilie Steinmark, PhD | Sep 1, 2023 | 2 min read
By comparing stem cells from six mammals of different sizes, scientists discovered stark differences in embryonic development paces.
On the left is a normally developing mouse embryo, on the right is a slightly larger mouse embryo that also contains horse cells that glow green.
Chimera research opens new doors to understanding and treating disease
Hannah Thomasy, PhD, Drug Discovery News | Aug 9, 2023 | 10 min read
Animals with human cells could provide donor organs or help us understand neuropsychiatric disorders.
Modeling Human Disease and Development with Organoids
Modeling Human Disease and Development with Organoids
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Discover how scientists use cardiac and skin organoids to study differentiation and toxicity. 
Conceptual image of hair loss showing trees in the shape of a human head at various seasonal stages of shedding their leaves.
Islands of Knowledge: Hairy Skin Moles Make Their Mark
Iris Kulbatski, PhD | Aug 7, 2023 | 3 min read
Skin moles that sprout thick, long hairs produce signaling molecules that stimulate hair follicle stem cells to initiate new hair growth. This discovery may make baldness a thing of the past.
Medical illustration of brain cancer with a microscopic magnification of malignant cells dividing in the tumor microenvironment.
Capturing the Brain Tumor Microenvironment with Tissue Engineering
Deanna MacNeil, PhD | Aug 4, 2023 | 3 min read
Researchers built a 3D glioblastoma model to study therapeutic resistance and improve drug screening systems.
Best Practices for Organoid Technologies
Best Practices for Organoid Technologies 
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Dosh Whye will discuss best practices for organoid modeling and how researchers leverage the latest technologies to achieve their goals.
Photo of Rosa Bacchetta, associate professor of pediatrics at Stanford University
The Future of Gene Therapy for a Rare Pediatric Autoimmune Disease
Niki Spahich, PhD | Jul 10, 2023 | 3 min read
By editing a mutated immune regulatory gene in patient cells, Rosa Bacchetta brings hope to those suffering from IPEX syndrome.
Neurons (green) fire differently depending on whether the astrocytes (red) they are grown with are cultivated from people with or without fragile X.
Astrocytes Fuel Erratic Firing in Fragile X Neurons
Lauren Schenkman, Spectrum | May 30, 2023 | 4 min read
This new understanding could one day lead to targeted treatments. 
Key Strategies for Better Stem Cell Workflows
Solutions for Optimizing Stem Cell Therapy Development
Sartorius | 1 min read
Discover how process knowledge is integral to stem cell workflow improvement and optimization.
Bladder epithelial tissue, where cell junctions are shown in green and nuclei in blue. This was grown in vitro from cells taken from mice with chronic cystitis.
Bladder ‘Memory’ Influences Urinary Tract Infection Recurrence in Mice
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Apr 12, 2023 | 3 min read
Urinary tract infections leave permanent epigenetic marks in the mouse bladder epithelium, reprogramming its response to subsequent infections, a study finds.
A robotic hand adding a piece of DNA to an existing DNA strand to complete the sequence.
A New Way to Control Stem Cell Fate Using Gene Circuits
Elina Kadriu | Feb 27, 2023 | 3 min read
Scientists engineered human pluripotent stem cells with synthetic gene circuits to control differentiation without human input.
Discover how counterflow centrifugation streamlines cell therapy workflows
Closed Cell Processing Systems for Cell Therapy Workflows
Thermo Fisher Scientific | 1 min read
Closed systems increase cell therapy manufacturing process efficiency.
Brown coral in shallow water branching upward with blue fish in front. 
Corals Upend Longstanding Idea About Genetic Inheritance
Natalia Mesa, PhD | Sep 1, 2022 | 4 min read
Most animals can’t pass on mutations that arise spontaneously throughout their lives—but Elkhorn corals can.
microscope image series showing synthetic embryo development
Mouse Embryo: No Sperm, Egg, or Uterus Required
Christie Wilcox, PhD | Aug 2, 2022 | 3 min read
Using stem cells and a bioreactor, researchers generated living embryos that survived for more than a week and began to develop internal organs.
 Learn how excessive oxygen availability during cell culture causes abnormal cell behavior 
What Oxygen Level Is Biologically Relevant For Cell Culture?
Thermo Fisher Scientific | 1 min read
Normoxic atmospheric conditions provide excessive oxygen availability, leading to abnormal cell behavior.
Muscle immobilization leads to atrophy
Antioxidants Put the Pep Back in One’s Step
Niki Spahich, PhD | Jun 13, 2022 | 3 min read
Delivering antioxidants via extracellular vesicles to atrophied muscles restores them during rehabilitation.
Trichaptum abietinum growing on a pine log
Caught on Camera
The Scientist Staff | Jun 13, 2022 | 4 min read
See some of the coolest images recently featured by The Scientist
Science Philosophy in a Flash - Paul George 
Science Philosophy in a Flash - Wired to Regenerate
Iris Kulbatski, PhD | 1 min read
Paul George shares how a dual career as a physician and scientist enriches his research.
Female reproductive System Anatomy stock photo
Cells in the Ovary are Responsive Shape-Shifters
Roni Dengler, PhD | Apr 8, 2022 | 3 min read
Rounds of trial-and-error exploring the layer of cells covering the ovary leave open questions about stem cells that are associated with ovarian cancer.