How single cell proteomics data can drive CAR-Treg-based therapies—an interview with Leonardo Ferreira
IsoPlexis | Oct 18, 2019 | 3 min read
Leonardo Ferreira, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco, discusses the application of single cell proteomics data to understanding the function and therapeutic potential of genetically engineered regulatory T cells.
Understanding T-cell polyfunctionality: How single cell proteomics data drive CAR-T cell therapy research and development
IsoPlexis | Oct 7, 2019 | 3 min read
Vladimir Senyukov, Director of BioAnalytical Development at Precision Biosciences, talks about investigating T-cell cytokine production using single cell proteomics in order to unlock the therapeutic potential of allogeneic CAR-T cells.