Shelby Bradford, PhD

Shelby Bradford, PhD

Shelby earned her PhD in immunology and microbial pathogenesis from West Virginia University, where she studied neonatal responses to vaccination. She completed an AAAS Mass Media Fellowship at StateImpact Pennsylvania, and her writing has also appeared in Massive Science. She participated in the 2023 flagship ComSciCon and volunteered with science outreach programs and Carnegie Science Center during graduate school. Shelby joined The Scientist as an assistant editor in August 2023. 

Articles by Shelby Bradford, PhD
Professor Sir Ian Wilmut with Dolly the sheep
Ian Wilmut, Famed Scientist Who Led the Creation of Dolly the Sheep, Died at 79
Shelby Bradford, PhD | Sep 12, 2023 | 3 min read
Knighted in 2008, Sir Ian Wilmut revolutionized the field of cloning, stem cell research, and regenerative medicine.
Colorful dots, representing small pieces of plastic, on a blue background
Nanoplastic Ingestion Causes Neurological Deficits
Shelby Bradford, PhD | May 31, 2023 | 3 min read
Small plastic particulates can induce inflammatory responses in the gut and brain, but removing them reverses this damage.