Woman smiling at the camera, working out on a blue yoga mat.
Keeping Older Muscles Strong
From stem cell-recruiting gels to hormone cycle restoration, Tracy Criswell has big ideas about how to combat age-related decline in muscle regeneration.
Keeping Older Muscles Strong
Keeping Older Muscles Strong

From stem cell-recruiting gels to hormone cycle restoration, Tracy Criswell has big ideas about how to combat age-related decline in muscle regeneration.

From stem cell-recruiting gels to hormone cycle restoration, Tracy Criswell has big ideas about how to combat age-related decline in muscle regeneration.

regenerative medicine

Conceptual dot-based image of an eye on a predominantly blue background.
On-Again, Off-Again Connections Advance Eye Regeneration
Iris Kulbatski, PhD | Jul 10, 2023 | 3 min read
Researchers track neural connections between retinal cells in a dish to understand their therapeutic potential.
A robotic hand adding a piece of DNA to an existing DNA strand to complete the sequence.
A New Way to Control Stem Cell Fate Using Gene Circuits
Elina Kadriu | Feb 27, 2023 | 3 min read
Scientists engineered human pluripotent stem cells with synthetic gene circuits to control differentiation without human input.
Learn about innovations in tissue regeneration 
Stem Cell Engineering for Tissue Regeneration
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Innovative strategies drive stem cell repair of organ damage.
Micrograph of kidney tissue from a mouse
Vesicles from Young Mice Alleviate Signs of Aging in Older Animals
Catherine Offord | Oct 19, 2022 | 4 min read
Mice that received the stem cell–derived treatment were less frail compared with controls, a study reports.
Paolo Macchiarini stands at a podium with a microphone
Paolo Macchiarini Found Guilty for Botched Surgery
Amanda Heidt | Jun 16, 2022 | 3 min read
The former thoracic surgeon was acquitted on two counts of intentional assault but convicted on a single count of felony bodily injury for a series of fatal procedures in the early 2010s.
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine: A New Frontier in Repairing Organ Damage
Brush Up: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Jennifer Zieba, PhD | 4 min read
A new frontier in repairing organ damage
3D printed ear chalk white icon on dark background
Patient Implanted with Live, 3D-Printed Tissue in Medical First
Shawna Williams | Jun 2, 2022 | 2 min read
An ear made from the person’s own cells was surgically attached in March, the company behind the technology says.
Thomas Lozito poses with Donald, one of his mourning geckos.
Thomas Lozito Is Figuring Out How Lizards Rebuild
Connor Lynch | Feb 14, 2022 | 4 min read
The University of Southern California bioengineer studies how lizards regrow their tails, with the goal of one day inducing regeneration in humans.
A Brief History of Stem Cells
Scientific Breakthroughs with Stem Cells
Nele Haelterman, PhD | 1 min read
Discover the various ways scientists bolster stem cells to understand and cure disease.
A frog partially submerged in water looking straight ahead
Drug Cocktail Triggers Regeneration of Amputated Frog Legs
Dan Robitzski | Jan 26, 2022 | 3 min read
A new chemical treatment allowed African clawed frogs, which normally don’t regenerate limbs, to regrow functional hind legs following amputation.
a spiny mouse sits on a piece of wood holding a small morsel to its mouth
Spiny Mice Appear to Regenerate Damaged Kidneys
Dan Robitzski | Nov 3, 2021 | 5 min read
The mice, already known to regenerate skin, seem to avoid the tissue scarring that leads to organ failure in other animals.
Understanding Stem Cells, One Cell at a Time
Understanding Stem Cells, One Cell at a Time
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
An expert panel will discuss how access to single-cell resolution has shed new light on stem cell behavior and differentiation mechanisms.
Infographic: Anatomical Construction by Cell Collectives
Michael Levin | Sep 1, 2020 | 3 min read
Understanding this complex and still largely enigmatic process will pave the way for researchers to control the development of new morphologies.
How Groups of Cells Cooperate to Build Organs and Organisms
Michael Levin | Sep 1, 2020 | 10+ min read
Understanding biology’s software—the rules that enable great plasticity in how cell collectives generate reliable anatomies—is key to advancing tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Harnessing Stem Cells to Treat Disease
Harnessing Stem Cells to Treat Disease
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
In this webinar, Kim Vanuytsel and Ryan Flannigan will discuss cutting-edge technologies for improving stem cell-based therapies.
Image of the Day: Regenerating Worms
Amy Schleunes | Feb 3, 2020 | 1 min read
Planarian flatworms grow to double their normal size when scientists inhibit a gene that suppresses growth.
Opinion: Interdisciplinary Approach Needed to Crack Morphogenesis
Joshua Finkelstein, Kelly McLaughlin, and Michael Levin | Dec 1, 2019 | 4 min read
Physicists, geneticists, computer scientists, and biologists are working together to gain a full appreciation of the intricacies of organismal growth and form.
The Scientist Speaks - The Reality of Regenerative Medicine
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
After decades of research the potential of regenerative medicine becomes a life-saving reality.
cardiac stem cell therapy immune system macrophage
Activation of the Immune System Underlies Cardiac Cell Therapies
Ruth Williams | Nov 27, 2019 | 4 min read
A study in mice reveals that stem cell transplants, currently in clinical trials, may not actually require the cells.