Black-Browed Albatross
Ten Minute Sabbatical
Take a break from the bench to puzzle and peruse
Ten Minute Sabbatical
Ten Minute Sabbatical

Take a break from the bench to puzzle and peruse

Take a break from the bench to puzzle and peruse

precision medicine

Two babies engaged in conversation, with one shouting in the other’s ear
Nurturing Early Language Skills Prevents the Behavioral Expression of a Genetic Trait
Iris Kulbatski, PhD | Jul 11, 2022 | 4 min read
A new precision medicine approach is making life sweeter for infants unable to metabolize milk sugar.
3d illustration proteins with lymphocytes , t cells or cancer cells
New Patient Tumor Cell Models Rapidly Predict Cancer Therapy Outcomes
Jennifer Zieba, PhD | Jul 11, 2022 | 4 min read
A new benchtop microfluidic device generates patient-derived tumor micro-organospheres that allow for real-time cancer therapy decisions.
Sino Biological 
Introducing GMP-Grade Recombinant Cytokines for Stem Cell Research
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team and Sino Biological | 3 min read
Cutting edge technology delivers cytokines with high purity, high bioactivity, high batch-to-batch consistency, and high stability.
Illustration of light blue speckled DNA helix on a dark background
Study Nearly Doubles Known Cancer-Linked Mutational Signatures
Jef Akst | Apr 22, 2022 | 2 min read
Analyzing the whole genome sequences of more than 18,000 tumors, researchers catalog nearly 60 new patterns of mutations that could inform cancer treatment.
istock image 800x560
Can mRNA Vaccine Momentum Propel Tumor Immunotherapies?
Aparna Nathan, PhD | Nov 12, 2021 | 4 min read
A guide to mRNA-based cancer vaccines and where they’re headed next
Precision Medicine-Based Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury
Precision Medicine-Based Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury 
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
In this webinar, Dr. Kevin Wang will discuss a precision medicine approach for treating traumatic brain injury which uses phenotype biomarkers to monitor disease course and develop novel therapies.
istock lung cancer
Precision Medicine Turns to Proteins for Lung Cancer Targets
Roni Dengler, PhD | Nov 9, 2021 | 2 min read
Probing the protein landscape in lung cancers reveals new therapeutic insights.
A New Model with Fully Functioning Blood Vessels Mimics Brain Cancer
Roni Dengler, PhD | Sep 10, 2021 | 2 min read
A newly developed platform may one day replace cell culture and animal models to personalize cancer treatment.
Transforming Molecular Tools into Precision Oncology
Transforming Molecular Tools into Precision Oncology
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Learn how researchers establish new technologies such as liquid biopsies and targeted biomarker detection to further enhance precision oncology.
A vial containing a red blood sample is balanced on its end on a table or desk by someone wearing a blue medical glove on their right hand
New Evidence Shows COVID-19 Was in US Weeks Before Thought
Abby Olena, PhD | Jun 17, 2021 | 4 min read
Some of the blood specimens collected in the United States for the NIH’s All of Us research program starting on January 2, 2020, have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2.
CAR T Cells Derived from Stem Cells Target HIV Tissue Reservoirs in Monkeys
Berly McCoy, PhD | May 25, 2021 | 3 min read
Transplanted CAR stem cells persisted long term and showed multilineage engraftment in tissues that harbor HIV.
<em >The Scientist</em>&rsquo;s Journal Club: Cancer
The Scientist’s Journal Club: Cancer
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Scientists present the latest research on immune cell responses to cancer, the role of epigenetics in cancer, and molecular imaging of the tumor microenvironment.
Engineered Immune Cells Eliminate Brain Cancer in Mice
Brooke Dulka, PhD | May 25, 2021 | 2 min read
Researchers developed a new CAR T-cell therapy that targets specific growth factor receptors in glioblastoma to eliminate brain tumors.
Environmental Cues Keep CAR T Cells on Track
Aparna Nathan, PhD | May 25, 2021 | 4 min read
Pairing CARs with a synthetic receptor makes T cells more lethal tumor killers.
Best Practices for Organoid Technologies
Best Practices for Organoid Technologies 
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Dosh Whye will discuss best practices for organoid modeling and how researchers leverage the latest technologies to achieve their goals.
smart pills
Smart Pills Help Monitor Cancer Patients’ Therapy
Chia-Yi Hou | Jul 15, 2019 | 5 min read
Sensors encapsulated with oral chemotherapy drugs help patients and physicians keep track of treatments.
Contributors july august the scientist
The Scientist Staff | Jul 15, 2019 | 3 min read
Meet some of the people featured in the July/August 2019 issue of The Scientist.
Leveraging Stem Cells to Create Better Disease Models
Leveraging Stem Cells to Create Better Disease Models
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 2 min read
Clive Svendsen, Meritxell Huch, Ameen Salahudeen, and Maksim Plikus will discuss the latest advances in using patient-derived stem cells to create more accurate disease models.
Opinion: Applying AI to Clinical Care Is Key to Individualized Medicine
Opinion: Applying AI to Clinical Care Is Key to Individualized Medicine
Eric Topol | Jul 15, 2019 | 3 min read
Not only can artificial intelligence revolutionize healthcare, it could help restore the doctor-patient relationship.