an image of a slice of a rat brain is colored red on a black background. a lime green human organoid sits in the top left of the brain
Human Brain Organoids Transplanted Into Rats Respond to Visual Stimuli
The organoids could one day be used to treat brain injuries in humans. 
Human Brain Organoids Transplanted Into Rats Respond to Visual Stimuli
Human Brain Organoids Transplanted Into Rats Respond to Visual Stimuli

The organoids could one day be used to treat brain injuries in humans. 

The organoids could one day be used to treat brain injuries in humans. 


a human neuron illuminated in bright green on a black background.
Mitochondrial Metabolism Dictates Neurons’ Growth Rate
Katherine Irving | Jan 30, 2023 | 4 min read
Altering the rate of respiration in mitochondria changes how fast neurons grow, making mouse neurons grow more like human ones and vice versa, a study finds.
A collection of images from previous neuroscience articles, including those of an octopus in a chamber, artistic renditions of a brain, brain scans, and an image of neural connections in vitro.
Our Favorite Neuroscience Stories of 2022
Dan Robitzski | Dec 28, 2022 | 4 min read
This year, neuroscience researchers made important discoveries related to how neurodegeneration attacks the human brain, hooked cultured neurons up to machinery to teach them to play a video game, and more.
Gaining Biological Insights into Brain Development Using Single Cell Technologies
Gaining Biological Insights into Brain Development Using Single Cell Technologies
The Scientist Creative Services Team in collaboration with 10x Genomics | 1 min read
Richard Smith will discuss the importance of ionic flux in in utero neuronal development.
This is DishBrain, an in vitro system that combines human brain cells with artificial intelligence technology, which researchers at Australian biotech Cortical Labs recently trained to play the classic 1972 Atari video game Pong. Fluorescent markers show axons in green, neuron bodies in purple, dendrites in red, and all other cells in blue. Where multiple markers are present, colors are merged and typically appear as yellow or pink. Posted: October 12, 2022
Caught on Camera
The Scientist Staff | Dec 12, 2022 | 4 min read
See some of the coolest images recently featured by The Scientist.
Human hand with white glove holding a white mouse in a green background.
Study Traces a Neural Circuit Behind Green Light–Mediated Pain Relief
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Dec 9, 2022 | 4 min read
A mouse study concludes color-detecting cones in the eye and a subset of neurons in the brain’s thalamus are why green light exposure has an analgesic effect.
CRISPR Technologies for the New Era of Cell and Gene Therapy
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Experts will discuss how they use new CRISPR technologies to advance their cell and gene therapy research.
Photo of Chantell Evans
Chantell Evans Tracks Mitochondrial Cleanup in Neurons
Holly Barker, PhD | Dec 1, 2022 | 3 min read
The Duke University cell biologist uses live-cell microscopy to reveal how brain cells rid themselves of damaged mitochondria and what goes wrong in neurodegenerative disease.
An international team of scientists used sensitive instruments to show that oil from human skin reacts with ozone to generate potent, free radicals. These chemicals can further react with most organic compounds present in the indoor environment to produce dangerous pollutants. 
Caught on Camera
The Scientist Staff | Nov 14, 2022 | 3 min read
See some of the coolest images recently featured by The Scientist
The Scientist's LabTalk Podcast - Episode 2
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
Surviving Stress: The mysteries of neuronal survival and neurodegeneration
illustration of neurons in blue and microglia in orange
Ancient Viral DNA Helps Mouse Brains Fight Infection
Natalia Mesa, PhD | Oct 24, 2022 | 3 min read
Mammals that give birth to live young may have evolved to make use of the remnants of viruses in their genomes to ward off pathogens, a study suggests. 
A cross-section of a mouse hypothalamus, where cells of the arcuate nucleus are shown in bright green at the bottom.
Methylation in Young Brains May Be Key to Obesity: Mouse Study
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Oct 19, 2022 | 4 min read
Epigenetic events, such as methylation, during early brain development in mice occur in genomic regions associated with BMI in humans, according to a new study.
Drawing of a mouse scratching itself after watching a video of a different mouse scratching itself.
Specialized Brain Circuit Makes Mice Itchy When They See Others Scratch
Dan Robitzski | Oct 12, 2022 | 4 min read
A previously undetected pathway in the mouse brain bypasses the visual cortex to directly activate contagious itch.
purple and green microscopic view of sea anemone neurons and stinging cells
Science Snapshot: With Fronds Like These, Who Needs Anemones?
Lisa Winter | Oct 4, 2022 | 1 min read
This year’s third-place winner of the 2022 Nikon Small World in Motion competition features sea anemone cells.
A mouse brain showing activated neurons (white) in the brainstem 3 hours after LPS injection.
Research Pinpoints the Neurons Behind Feeling Sick
James M. Gaines | Sep 23, 2022 | 5 min read
Specific neurons in the brainstem control sickness behaviors not directly caused by a pathogen, such as tiredness and lack of appetite, a mouse study finds.
Adipose tissue under the microscope appearing as red blobs on a white background
Mouse Brains Appear to Eavesdrop on Their Fat
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Sep 9, 2022 | 4 min read
For the first time, a team visualizes sensory nerves projecting into adipose tissue in mice and finds these neuronal cells may counteract the local effects of the sympathetic nervous system.
Neurons in all sorts of different colors, some glowing
How Fear Restructures the Mouse Brain
Natalia Mesa, PhD | Aug 15, 2022 | 4 min read
By combining deep learning and electron microscopy, researchers now have a more detailed understanding of how fear changes the brain.
The brain's cerebellum
The Cerebellum’s Functions in Cognition, Emotion, and More
Diana Kwon | Aug 15, 2022 | 10+ min read
Once thought of as a mere motor coordination center, the “little brain” is now appreciated as participating in higher neurological processes.
Photograph of Humsa Venkatesh
Humsa Venkatesh Probes Cancer’s Grip on the Brain
Maddie Bender | Aug 15, 2022 | 3 min read
At Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the cancer biologist is combining research into the tumor microenvironment with the principles of neuroscience to tease apart how cancers grow—and how to stop them.
Artistic representation of a brain depicted as a clock on a background with one half in dark blue with yellow stars and one half in light blue with clouds.
Which Neurons Go to Sleep First in Humans? fMRI Can Tell
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Aug 9, 2022 | 3 min read
By linking blood flow patterns to bioelectric signals in the brains of sleeping volunteers, scientists are studying the order in which brain regions fall asleep and wake up.