Fernanda, a Fernandina giant tortoise (<em>Chelonoidis phantasticus</em>), was identified in 2019, decades after her species supposedly went extinct.
When an Extinct Species Is Found Alive, What Happens Next?
Finding a creature in the wild that had been considered long gone brings hope—and quite a bit of uncertainty.
When an Extinct Species Is Found Alive, What Happens Next?
When an Extinct Species Is Found Alive, What Happens Next?

Finding a creature in the wild that had been considered long gone brings hope—and quite a bit of uncertainty.

Finding a creature in the wild that had been considered long gone brings hope—and quite a bit of uncertainty.


A boat, the Tara, sailing past an island in Patagonia, Chile
Sailing the Seas in Search of Microbes
Shawna Williams | Jun 1, 2021 | 5 min read
Projects aimed at collecting big data about the ocean’s tiniest life forms continue to expand our view of the seas.
A Last-Minute Science Dash to an Erupting Volcano
Jef Akst | Dec 1, 2019 | 5 min read
Researchers plan an oceanographic expedition to understand why a phytoplankton bloom developed as molten lava flowed into the sea east of Hawaii's Big Island.
Image of the Day: Vampire Squid
Emily Makowski | Sep 11, 2019 | 1 min read
The unusual cephalopod was spotted on a recent underwater research expedition.
Like Humans, Walruses and Bats Cuddle Infants on Their Left Sides
Katarina Zimmer | Jan 10, 2018 | 4 min read
These mothers and babies keep each other in their left visual fields during maternal care, which aids right-hemisphere processing. 
DNA Analysis Throws New Light on the 1845 Franklin Arctic Expedition
Catherine Offord | Aug 3, 2017 | 4 min read
Anthropologists make use of forensic science to delve into historical mysteries.
Life-Finding Expeditions
Jef Akst | Dec 18, 2014 | 2 min read
Researchers analyzing samples from the deepest-ever marine drilling expedition identify living microbes, while a team exploring the Arctic finds life thriving below the ice.
Speaking of Science
The Scientist Staff | Feb 1, 2014 | 2 min read
February 2014's selection of notable quotes