Learn What to Keep in Mind When Creating Transgenic Rodent Models
Designing Transgenic Rodent Models: Key Considerations
Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of random integration and targeted approaches for creating transgenic models.
Designing Transgenic Rodent Models: Key Considerations
Designing Transgenic Rodent Models: Key Considerations

Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of random integration and targeted approaches for creating transgenic models.

Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of random integration and targeted approaches for creating transgenic models.

disease research

Explore How Multiomics Offers a More Holistic View of Biology for Disease Research
Powering Discovery with Multiomics
Illumina | Jun 8, 2023 | 1 min read
Multiomics combines multiple layers of biology to power new discoveries in disease research. 
Gary Schroth, Vice President at Illumina
Modern Multiomics: Why, How, and Where to Next?
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team and Illumina | May 15, 2023 | 4 min read
A conversation with Illumina Distinguished Scientist and Vice President Gary Schroth about the present and future of multiomic technology and applications