A rat intestine cryosection treated with TrueBlack® IF Background Suppressor to quench autofluorescence and stained for tight junctions (anti-ZO1 antibody, red) and nuclei (green).
Stepping Out of the Background
New innovations for reducing nonspecific fluorescence offer researchers clearer pictures and more multiplexing possibilities.
Stepping Out of the Background
Stepping Out of the Background

New innovations for reducing nonspecific fluorescence offer researchers clearer pictures and more multiplexing possibilities.

New innovations for reducing nonspecific fluorescence offer researchers clearer pictures and more multiplexing possibilities.


Lipofuscin autofluorescence was quenched using EverBrite TrueBlack® Hardset Mounting Medium®, allowing effective visualization of glial cells (GFAP antibody stain, cyan) and cell nuclei (magenta) in human cerebral cortex cryosections.
Stepping Out of the Background
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team and Biotium | Jul 27, 2023 | 4 min read
New developments in non-specific fluorescence quenching offer researchers clearer pictures and more multiplexing possibilities.