a hand reaches towards a pack of cigarettes
Newly Identified Neural Signature of Drug Craving Could Predict Drug Use
The signature could one day be used to improve treatment planning for people with substance abuse disorders.
Newly Identified Neural Signature of Drug Craving Could Predict Drug Use
Newly Identified Neural Signature of Drug Craving Could Predict Drug Use

The signature could one day be used to improve treatment planning for people with substance abuse disorders.

The signature could one day be used to improve treatment planning for people with substance abuse disorders.

alcohol use disorders

a person pours whiskey into a glass held by another person, with a smoking cigar in a tray in front
Study of Millions Finds Genetic Links to Smoking and Drinking 
Katherine Irving | Dec 9, 2022 | 3 min read
In the largest study of its kind, scientists find nearly 4,000 genetic variants that may predispose people to alcohol and tobacco use behaviors. 
Alcohol bottles at a bar
Epigenome Editing Decreases Alcohol Seeking and Anxiety in Rats
Natalia Mesa, PhD | May 20, 2022 | 4 min read
A CRISPR-based system that reverses epigenetic changes caused by adolescent binge drinking reduces adult addiction-like behaviors in rats, a study finds, suggesting that an epigenomic approach could someday help treat people with alcohol use disorder.
artistic drawing of neuron filled with tau proteins
Genes for Alcohol Use Disorder and Alzheimer’s Risk Overlap: Study
Emma Yasinski | Aug 24, 2021 | 4 min read
Genetic, transcriptomic, and epigenetic data reveal molecular mechanisms tying these disorders to each other and to immune disfunction.